Will Pruitt is a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. His office is located in the Department of English. He researches the Black radical tradition, Black feminism, Black queer studies, and theories of the U.S. nation-state in twentieth- and twenty-first-century literature and culture. The 2023 issue of the James Baldwin Review features his review of biographies about Baldwin. His book manuscript, tentatively entitled “Black U.S. Presidents During the Jim Crow Era: A History of Hypotheticals, 1877- 1965,” narrates, explicates, and assesses debates over the meaning and function of a Black U.S. Presidency, debates that raged while Black people suffered de jure segregation and mass disenfranchisement. He traces twenty-first-century discourses on the Black U.S. Presidency back to these debates.